Tuesday, September 15, 2015

California Bill Passed for Assisted Suicide

California Cancer Patient FIghting for her Rights
On Friday California State Legislatures approved the bill for doctors to help terminally ill patients to commit suicide. California is the fifth state to adopt assisted suicide they accompany Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Vermont. The bill passed in California Senate by a vote of 23 to 14. The law however has changes and means. These includes that the law will expire in 10 years and must be re approved, a private consultant between patient and doctor, the patient must be responsive and answer yes three times before they are allowed to go through with the suicide. The reasoning behind assisted suicide is that it gives people a chance to take their lives into their own hands and "die with dignity". California is a big state that has a lot of influence so if assisted suicide is passed within California it is thought that many more will follow.
California Legislature Approves Assisted Suicide

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