Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Reform Ranking

1. Right to Vote in the Constitution
2. Universal Voter Registration
3. National Popular Vote for the President
4. Fair Voting/ Proportional Representation
5. Ranked Choice Voting

Monday, December 7, 2015

Trump on Barring Muslims From Entering U.S.

Trump Giving Speech
This afternoon Donald Trump made a speech about how Muslims "should be barred from entering into the United States until the nations leaders can figure out whats going on." Trump has always voiced his opinion on this issue but this is new after the San Bernardino shooting. Death was his reasoning for turning his view of the Muslims. No other presidential candidate is behind him on this and many have spoke out against it.
Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S.

Carson Acknowledges Dip in Polls

Ben Carson
Ben Carson recently talked about his 8 percent drop in the Republican presidential campaign. Five weeks ago 64 percent thought he would be a great president and this has dropped to 42 percent. His reasoning for this is his lack in working with foreign affairs. In his words he has dealt more with life and death situations than those of recent foreign attacks that have been happening. The polls as of now are not looking good for Carson.
Ben Carson Acknowledges Dip in Polls

Ralph Peters Suspended from Fox News

Ralph Peters
A Fox News analyst, Ralph Peters was recently suspended for two weeks because of the way that he described Obama on air. His vulgar description of our president was said on Fox Business Network he also went on to speak for the military and say that the military was ready to fight if he would give them the order to. Ralph was punished for his words, which he apologized for,  and has been the topic of a lot of twitter uproar.
Ralph Peters Suspended from Fox News

Plans to Add New Level to Terror Advisory System

Homeland Security Seal
The Department of Homeland Security is adding anew level to its terrorism advisory system to help the threat of terrorism on the homeland. The level will be the "intermediate" level and it will be used to alert Americans of a high risk when they do not know who is behind it. The previous system for terrorism only had 2 levels a low risk and a high risk section. This change is just being talked about but is hoped to be announced very soon to start putting it to action.
Washington Post New Level to Terror Advisory System

Obama Addresses Terrorism

Obama Giving Address in Oval Office
On Sunday night Obama made an address towards the recent shooting in San Bernardino and the threat of terrorism that is thought to follow it. He said that his top priority is protecting the American people from all types of terrorism that comes forward. Obama did not state any changes in policies however he did ask Congress to get behind him on starting the fight against terrorism and strengthening the gun laws.
NY Daily News Obama Addresses Terrorism